Saturday, April 14, 2018

KYC / CDD和AML Compliance的分別

有一位有四年CDD經驗的讀者來信,問如何找AML和control room compliance 的工作。
這位朋友同時問為甚麼以他符合JD所述的相關經驗申請AML Analyst的職位(JD在文末供參考),但很快已收到rejection e-mail,究竟HR reject的原因是甚麼。

首先CDD和AML不是完全相同的概念。KYC/CDD是Know Your Customer / Customer Due Diligence 的意思,泛指客戶最初開戶口時了解客戶的身份﹑背景﹑資金來源﹑財政狀況﹑是否有被制裁(sanction)/負面新聞(negative news search)等等。最容易在這個程序發現的是通過所收集關於客戶的文件和網上資料庫搜尋,得知客戶是被制裁的,或者客戶與國家元首有緊密關係(politically exposed persons/ PEP),又或者客戶是一間在高風險國家成立的公司,從而歸納客戶為高風險類別,而作出拒絕開戶或進行加強審查的決定。留意這個KYC/CDD的程序主要是基於客戶提交的文件上得到的資訊而作出的風險評估。

至於AML,在KYC/ CDD的過程中,固然有可能可以辨別出有高洗黑錢風險的客戶類別,例如處理大量現金的公司:找換店、賭場等等。但是這一個JD提到很重要的關鍵字有unusual transaction pattern和STR/ suspicious transaction reporting。這兩個詞彙所指的是分析客戶在開戶後的交易模式(transaction pattern),檢查是否有洗黑錢活動的特徵。我之前一篇講過,犯罪分子不會以自己的名義去存錢,而是用身家清白的人或有正當生意的公司名義去洗黑錢。所以這些洗黑錢活動展透過KYC/CDD是辨別不出來的。這些可疑的特徵包括:
  • 一個長期沒有交易活動的戶口(Dormant account)突然有大量高額現金進出活動
  • 如果銀行分行的指引是五萬元以上現金存款需要經理審批的話,一個戶口在同一日內多次存入$49,000現金
  • 一個戶口收到很多來自不同非洲國家的匯款,然後把這些匯款一筆過匯到另一個美國的戶口,而客戶的背景資料不能解釋這種戶口活動模式
銀行有系統可以自動在海量的交易內辨別出這些可疑交易,然後交由AML analyst去進行更多的資料蒐集和研究,決定戶口是否真的有洗黑錢的嫌疑還是否需要匯報給監管機構。留意AML transaction monitoring是基於客戶的交易活動去做風險評估和管理。



Compliance manager 一天的工作內容 (A day in the life of a Compliance Manager)
Compliance 行業前景系列
投行非MT/graduate programme 出身的career path 部署 
JD 解密系列 
Ibank 內部結構解剖 - interview 必讀

AML Analyst
Role & Responsibilities
• Perform compliance reviews (on-boarding and maintenance) and AML Investigations in conjunction with countries/regions, particularly in relation to high risk customers.
• Responsible for the appropriate collection and analysis of documents to assist in identifying unusual transaction patterns.
• Conduct research via available Bank systems and commercial databases, as well as the Internet.
• Interface with relevant units and the business in regards to compliance reviews, investigations, as well as other ad-hoc projects.
• Document review findings, ensure awareness of conclusions and prepare a report of findings for Compliance and Business management.
• Draft STRs, recommend relationship retention or termination, and track recommendations and account closures, as required.
• Responsible for communicating with senior managers, members of the Business and other Citigroup AML monitoring units to ensure findings are incorporated in all aspects of the AML control program.
• Conduct QA reviews of case files, case tracking logs and various AML processes.

Qualifications / Experience:
• Graduate Degree from a recognized university (Accountancy, Banking, Business, Economics or Law) or relevant professional qualification in financial services or audit.
• Post Graduate Degree is a plus.
• Minimum three (3) years’ experience in:
• conducting AML investigations, including undertaking customer transaction reviews and open source research, with the aim of identifying potentially suspicious activity;
• conducting Know Your Customer (KYC) related tasks, particularly on high risk customers; and
• Preparing/reviewing and/or filing Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs).
• Familiar with AML typologies and risks associated with banking.

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  1. Hi there!

    I've waiting for your next post about instant rejections from HR. May I know when will be out? Thanks!

    1. Thank you for your support of my blog! I am just tying up a few things and it should be out this week!

  2. Hi!

    I'm about to finish my LLB degree and want to kick off my career in the field of compliance, but I don't have any experience in the banking and financial sector. What positions (under what specilization and which type of institutions) would you recommend me to apply for? How much should I expect as the salary of my first job? Thank you in advance!

    1. It depends on your interest really. I believe you will be trying to apply some of the MT/ graduate trainee programs. You can also target entry level positions. With a legal background you can try compliance or legal department in financial firms. Starting salary range you can refer to the below post-

    2. Thanks for the advice. Really appreciate it.

  3. Hi!

    I have come across a JD relating to Data Governance from BTMU website, and it seems to me that that increasingly more data management role/compliance that the banks are hiring. Would you know and share with us what exactly these positions are required to do?
    Thank you so much!


    Data Management for BTMU is responsible for all AML Sanctions DG data quality monitoring, business and technical metadata management (ex. Data Dictionary), DQ issue management, Change Management activities impacting KDEs/CDEs.

    Data Quality monitoring.

    Maintain Business and Technical Metadata as required.

    Lead the issue management end to end process.

    Ensure the change management and update the assigned information in the Data Dictionary.

    Support selecting KDEs and manage local CDEs.

    Job requirements:

    Operation system knowledge to Monitor Data quality, Maintain Business/ technical metadata, Lead issue management end to end process and Support selecting/ managing data elements.

    Good stakeholder management skills

    Good time management and strong discipline in keeping to project milestones

    Well organised and disciplined in maintaining project documentation

    Confident and comfortable in dealing with stakeholders

    Ability to work flexible hours from time to time due to time zone differences

    Willingness to take on ad-hoc tasks as assigned from time to time

    1. Hi Ben! I have written a post on this topic -
      thank you for your support of my blog!

  4. Dear Writer,
    I finished my Postgrad Dip on Design management few years ago, and now working in small bank working KYC CDD under sales team.
    I'm very interesting on AML. May I know which way to get in AML Compliance? Study acams?? or extra law degree?
    would you please give me an advice... >"<

    1. Dear reader,
      Thank you for your support of my blog! I'd suggest you to refer to the below posts. Hope it helps!
