Saturday, October 1, 2016

如何寫好商業英語 (一)

最近徐緣有一篇Facebook 文章講到寫e-mail,建議大家一讀兩本工具書: The Elements of Style by William Strunk and E.B. White 和Writing That Works by Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson。真的要感謝徐緣先生的介紹,讀來如醍醐灌頂,簡直是為我在公司每天讀來的可怕電郵中帶來一股清泉,提點我不要學了同事的壞榜樣。前者確實是一部經典,在1959年改版後今天讀來優雅而不古舊。第二本講到的寫電郵和簡報的忠告有些有點過時,不過也值得參考。


寫e-mail的大道理例如要到題,要言簡意賅,不能串錯字,不用標奇立異的字體和顏色等,大家都應該知道,不贅,亦可參考徐緣的facebook post。他寫得很到題。

Hi Peter/ both/ all/ team,

I am working on the project XXXXXX. This is a mandatory exchange requirement effective DDMMMYYYY.

I'd appreciate a lot if you would kindly provide your operations requirements by filling out the attached excel form and return to me by DDMMMYYYY.

Thank you very much!

Expected Process Flow Changes.....
Expected System Changes.....

留意﹕重中之重是要在三行以內清楚交代整件事和你對收件人的要求。我在公司收的大部份電郵都做不到這一點,整封e-mail甚至連究竟是For your information還是For your action也講不清楚。那是極為失敗的例子。人的attention span 很短,你不能在30秒內講明白重點,對方會失去耐性。收件人是不會對不清晰的要求作出回應的。


1) 描述要具體﹕

Avoid writing...Try to say...
A period of unfavorable weather set in.It rained every day for a week.
He showed satisfaction as he took possession of his well-earned reward.He grinned as he pocketed the coin.

2) 不要用兩隻字去表達一隻字可以表達的意思﹕

Avoid writing...Try to say...
the question as to whether whether (the question whether)
there is no doubt but thatno doubt (doubtless)
used for fuel purposesused for fuel
he is a man whohe
in a hasty mannerhastily
this is a subject thatthis subject
Her story is a strange one.Her story is strange.
the reason why is thatbecause

3) 反覆修改行文和用詞,令要表達的意思更有力和突出。很多時候你會發現強而有力的句子都是比較短的。

Avoid writing...Try to say...
There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground. Dead leaves covered the ground.
At dawn the crowing of a rooster could be heard.The cock's crow came with dawn.
The reason he left college was that his health became impaired.Failing health compelled him to leave college.
It was not long before she was very sorry that she had said what she had.She soon repented her words.

4) 這是一個在商業世界比較常見到的例子。左邊的句法我每天都見很多,每次都要讀兩次以上才明白對方的意思。

Avoid writing...Try to say...
It is generally desirable to communicate your thoughts in a forthright manner.
Don’t mumble.
Toning your point down and tiptoeing around it may, in many circumstances, tempt the reader to tune out and allow his mind to wander.




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