Wednesday, August 15, 2018

智慧之談 - 知性書籍推介


Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
這本書對evolution 的解構邏輯鮮明﹐在大自然中生物的舉例有趣,非常intellectually refreshing,對生物以及人類的行為解釋提供參考。這本書其實是蠻具爭議性的,尤其是最後關於meme的chapter。

As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as A Girl by John Colapinto
另一本關於遺傳學的權威書藉。大家能否想像不久以前有一段時間醫生認為男和女都只是社會教育的結果。如果男嬰天生性器官有缺憾的話,他們會建議父母當嬰兒是女孩般養大。撇除它災難性的結果不說,這些特別的處理方法為我們提供了少數nature vs nurture 辯論的重要實驗結果,就算不可以叫做蓋棺定論,也可以說是nature camp 的一大勝利。

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
很厚的一本書但是一點悶場也沒有﹗Steve Jobs 的一生本來便是注定不平凡。透過客觀的敍述他的一生,我開始了解到他成功背後的原因。

Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman
Richard Feynman 身為諾貝爾物理學獎得主,原來為人極為風趣幽默,樂於嘗試鑽研所有事物,包括南洲鼓﹑馬亞文﹑畫畫。他以短文形式敍述他人生裏有趣的事件時,我發現了原來是甚麼樣的性格才會塑造到一位成就超凡的科學家。更有趣的是﹐在我了解了Richard Feynman 和Steve Jobs的人物性格,價值觀和行為模式後,他們走上的道路的不同,一切都變得理所當然。

The Smartest Guys in the Room by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind
永遠看真實故事比小說或電視劇更精彩﹑話題更爆炸性。90後未必知道現在廣為人知的Big 4 會計公司以前並不是Big 4,而是Big 5。第五間是叫Arthur Anderson。它在90年代末期被國際能源巨無霸Enron醜聞牽連以致倒閉。當年筆者還小,只記得有這樣的事,到一讀此書才明白事情的來龍去脈。
事件震撼的地方是Enron 在所有人眼中是一間非常成功的大企業。直到倒閉之前,傳媒和學界對Enron 的營運模式讚美之聲不絕於耳。Enron 於2001年12月2日申請破產,當時共有員工逾二萬人。可是它的股票在一年多前2000年8月23日才創歷史新高,市盈率達60倍。Enron 的COO (在倒閉前亦當過幾個月的CEO) Jeff Skilling被判入獄24年。

Bad Blood by John Carreyrou
Bill Gates 介紹的2018年最喜愛五本書之一。講矽谷一間極有前途﹑估值達幾十億﹑board of directors星光燿燿的biotech startup,竟然是一個大騙局。公司原來沒有科技上的突破,聲稱可以做到的血液檢測都是謊言不在話下,還用已知不可靠的方法為公眾驗血。這一宗醜聞可算是以上講到20世紀Enron事件的科企翻版。

The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945 by Rick Atkinson

應否移民? - 理性決策過程 (rational decision making)
投資和事業 - 未來十年的部署
如何寫好商業簡報(Powerpoint slides)

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  1. Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog posts, especially your book recommendations. I have a few of the books that you recommended here and in an earlier blog post and they're all my favourite books. I have jotted down a few of the other ones that you recommended in my to-read list. Please publish more blog posts on book recommendations! And thank you so much for sharing your valuable knowledge on the internet. Chloe

    1. Hi Chloe, Thank you very much for your support of my blog! So glad to hear that you like the books I have recommended. The book lists are distilled from many years of casual reading so probably it will be some time before I can recommend another few! =)
      Meanwhile may I recommend the most magnificent work of fiction I have ever come across - Game of Thrones. Though not as 'useful' as the other books I have recommended but it is indeed a very beautiful body of prose, makes me reflect on good / evil, politics and human nature and also has a story plot of a scale that is unprecedented.

    2. Game of Thrones! I never thought about watching it let alone reading it, but now that you've recommended it I'll definitely check it out!
      I have only just started reading fiction in the past year or so as I thought it might help me in becoming better at expressing myself and learning to see things from different perspectives. I read two novels that I absolutely love: A gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, and All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr, both beautifully written (keeping in mind that as a beginner in fiction reading I have fairly low standard, haha), however I've read even more novels that I felt were not really worth my time, and I was just about to give up on fiction books... but not until I check out Game of Thrones first! Thank you so much for the recommendation!
