Credit Suisse is looking for a Platform Manager to help drive delivery and execute strategy in the Products Platform team in APAC. You will work closely with various business partners across the bank to shape and prioritize business demands: Designing groundbreaking systems and processes for Credit Suisse's suite of product and digital advisory services. Responsible for the end-to-end implementation and the successful delivery of these scalable solutions, which will propel the Private Bank to the next level in service and innovation. In particular, driving the development of internal pricing capabilities within the Private Bank and work with external partners to build services around transactional and profitability data. Responsibilities
- Design digital solutions in the areas of product data, pricing and execution that will help drive top- and bottom-line performance
- Connect with business users in Front Office, Trading, Middle Office and COO functions to understand and analyze complex problems
- Collaborate with internal and external engineering teams to deliver the next generation of digital product capabilities for internal and external clients
- Manage projects from inception to completion, ensuring strategic fit and facilitating Agile good practices to deliver business benefits in a timely manner
- Develop domain expertise on the overall platform roadmap and understand the impact that any new application/tool will have on business processes and existing platform capabilities
實際上product manager的日常工作包括:
- 做research分析市場動向,參加Industry Association,搞Focus group了解客戶需要
- 和市場推廣及銷售團隊合作develop marketing campaign
- 為產品定價,制定所謂的rate card / charge schedule 等等
- 定期檢討產品的銷售情況,成本和為公司帶來的收入,並向管理層負責
再把這個概念放到金融機構,對個人客戶而言,金融機構的product會是不同的保險產品,例如人壽、旅遊、汽車保險等等,也可以是不同的基金,定期存款、存款證、按揭等等也是金融機構的產品。在這個 Credit Suisse例子中的 private banking也是服務個人客戶,只不過是比較有錢的個人客戶而已,所以相應的服務也比較多元化,背後back office的support的要求也更高。例如普通零售客戶買不到的私人公司債券、美國國庫債券、國際非主要股票市場的股票等。另外頂級有錢的有錢人考慮到財富傳承問題,需要成立家族基金,也是私人銀行其中一種產品。JD講到digital product,這是金融業的大趨勢,簡單如大家都應該有用到的online banking以至手機app,把越來越多的服務電子化,方便private banking的高端客戶。
JD 裏講到product platform中的platform 意思是指什麼呢?有人說現今的金融機構實質上都是IT公司。this is very true。什麼產品可以支援、什麼產品成本最高,很多時候取決於support 該product 的System。當然整個Front to back的流程不單止需要一個System,亦不可能不用人手單單用System解決。所以我們叫整個系統,包括當中所有System、software、人手甚至legal documentation做platform。推出產品的基礎是有相應可以支援該產品的platform。
再進一步,金融機構對 corporate或者institutional client 的產品會更抽象一點。或者是The so-called service as a product。例如做FX,有treasury product可以幫你在day end 把所有外幣換到你指定的貨幣(Account sweeping),又或者custody service 會幫你存倉、執行 settlement和corporate action instructions。也有prime brokerage幫機構客戶做一條龍的execution, settlement, custody service 等等。雖然這些不是可觸碰到的產品,但是 product manager也是有同樣的責任去決定提供哪一些service和為現有的service 負責。和服務零售業務客戶的部門的分別是你不用搞focus group / survey甚麼的去發掘新product idea,institutional client 因transaction volume龐大,付的費用極高,所以大多很惡很大聲,常常會要求做這個custom report,那個system enhancement。Product manager單單應付Relationship Manager / Sales refer過來的大客戶的request已經應接不暇,反而要花更多時間去prioritise 這些request, 和大客戶解釋為甚麼enhancement還沒有做好,後台還要逼迫IT交貨。
JD中一項提到需要 manage project,那麼product manager 和project manager有什麼分別呢?
首先 product manager負責的範圍比較闊,不但要確保發展產品的project 順利推進,還要做市場研究、推廣等等,所以在金融機構來說是Front office post,是要見客直接向客戶講解product feature,和解釋為什麼未能提供某些服務的。所以product manager比project manager更從一個commercial angle 切入產品開發。
另外一個分別是project manager只在項目進行中負責推進項目,project完畢他便分派到負責其他項目;但是 product manager是要持續為旗下的產品負責,尋找改善產品的方法,維持產品盈利能力。
大多數情況下,product manager是一個project 的sponsor,只是從比較high-level去 oversight project;而project manager則比較要hands on 去execute project。
少少題外話,很多時候產品銷情不好, sales會指責 marketing 沒有做好推廣, sales和marketing會一起指責product manager設計的產品唔啱用,賣唔到, product manager會反咬sales和marketing唔賣佢啲product,又或者賣大包免費或蝕本價供應給大客。
Ibank求職/ 轉工/ 薪金大揭祕
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