Saturday, August 5, 2017

基金經理的苦衷 - Why smart money can sometimes be not so smart - 投資基本功(廿二)


今天我的基金經理朋友跟我說他管理的組合蝕了一鋪勁的,足足是他一年的人工。我問他,你買了甚麼。他說是一間沒有上市的民企的債券。我十分驚訝,問為甚麼這個時候還買這些債券。他說,你別跟我老闆說一樣的話。他說買的時候有7厘多的yield,而這一只債券已經是在同一個yield 裏是最好的,其他大公司的債券只有5厘多。我說,只是2厘spread,值得冒這個險嗎?他說基金是有追逐yield 的壓力的。我立刻明白了。誠然,我們見股票價高,會售出並持有現金,等待下一次跌市再入貨。巴菲特的拍檔Charlie Munger 也說過﹕

Experience tends to confirm a long-held notion that being prepared, on a few occasions in a lifetime, to act promptly in scale, in doing some simple and logical thing, will often dramatically improve the financial results of that lifetime. A few major opportunities, clearly recognizable as such, will usually come to one who continuously searches and waits, with a curious mind that loves diagnosis involving multiple variables. And then all that is required is a willingness to bet heavily when the odds are extremely favorable, using resources available as a result of prudence and patience in the past.



除此之外,在Intelligent Investor 一書裏,Benjamin Graham 還提到基金經理面對旳以下限制﹕

- With billions of dollars under management, they must gravitate toward the biggest stocks - the only ones they can buy in the multimillion-dollar quantities they need to fill their portfolios. Thus many funds end up owning the same few overpriced giants.

- Investors tend to pour more money into funds as the market rises. The managers use that new cash to buy more of the stocks they already own, driving prices to even more dangerous heights.

- If fund investors ask for their money back when the market drops, the managers may need to sell stocks to cash them out. Just as the funds are forced to buy stocks at inflated prices in a rising market, they become forced sellers as stocks get cheap again.

- Many portfolio managers get bonuses for beating the market, so they obsessively measure their returns against benchmarks like the S&P 500 Index. If a company gets added to an index, hundreds of funds compulsively buy it. (If they don't, and that stock then does well, the managers look foolish; on the other hand, if they buy it and it does poorly, no one will blame them.)

- Increasingly, fund managers are expected to specialize. Just as in medicine the general practitioner has given way to the pediatric allergist and the geriatric otolaryngologist, fund managers must buy only "small growth" stocks, or only "mid-sized value" stocks, or nothing but "large blend" stocks. If a company gets too big, or too small, or too cheap, or an itty bit too expensive, the fund has to sell it - even if the manager loves the stock.


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